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I wanted to write this book, not as a biography but as means of sharing my life experiences so that people can see how I have been successful and hope it will be beneficial to them. As detailed, I have practiced and applied various thoughts that I have learned from my years in business. I used simple phrases to develop my business such as, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” and also things like you can “figure it out with a hard pencil.”
My mother was a great inspiration and gave me the drive to succeed. She believed that education was what makes a difference. I never missed a day in school for twelve years. It was always a given that I would go to the university. I was fortunate to fall in love early with my wife Lynn and enjoyed 59 years of marriage.
6x9 trade paperback
140 pages Illustrated
Bringing Art to market, one project at a time
Redhawk Creative Solutions is available to assist in bringing your artistic endeavor to market. If you've won a grant, we will help you maximize your money's worth. If you've never created or sold an artistic project, we can help. Contact Patty Thompson pthompson994@cvcc.edu for details.