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In April of 2018, a grant panel appointed by the United Arts Council of Catawba County was meeting around a table, hearing funding pitch after funding pitch from area arts, science and history groups.As usual, we were hearing about some great projects, but it can make for a long day.
Our twelfth presenter, at 1:10 pm, was a group from Catawba Valley Community College led by historian Richard Eller.While I knew some about what they were proposing, it took just a short time before I, and the entire grant panel, became enthralled with the story of “The Untouchables,” the 1964 undefeated, unscored upon football team from Ridgeview High School.
250 pages 6x9x1
Bringing Art to market, one project at a time
Redhawk Creative Solutions is available to assist in bringing your artistic endeavor to market. If you've won a grant, we will help you maximize your money's worth. If you've never created or sold an artistic project, we can help. Contact Patty Thompson pthompson994@cvcc.edu for details.