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“Yuan Changming’s Sinosaur: Bilingual-Cultural Poems is at once a language lesson as well as a relentless but respectful interrogation of language. Changming crisscrosses international poetic boundaries, employing a variety of forms and poetic styles. The result is a remarkable document that the reader will find educational, deeply philosophical, and emotionally satisfying.”
—Tim Peeler, Author of Life and Times of Jaysus Christopher Duendeand Darrell Cobb
“Sinosaur is a testament to the fact that language shapes perception, perception: culture, and culture: the reality in which we live. For readers who are hungry to learn about Chinese etymology, mythology, and traditions, this collection delves into their longstanding intertwinement and evolution. Yuan never shies away from taking risks; his work paradoxically embraces and flies in the face of convention. As he grapples with the complexities of translation, the audience witnesses the inner workings of a fearless, playful mind that revels in its two lexicons, its two worlds. While the poet approaches his home country’s customs and values with a healthy dose of skepticism, he also celebrates the constellation of historical elements that are, in a word, beautiful—proving this beauty is best transmitted (and hence, preserved) through poetry. Like qi, Yuan’s voice is a life force that flows through each and every poem, making for a collection that allows us to ‘tune the mind for a moment.’”
—Ana Pugatch, Author of Engrams: Seven Years in Asia, Lena Shull Poetry Award Winner
“Yuan Changming is a poet with a rare gift for presenting and probing the intimacies of life, with striking imagery and carefully-chosen vocabulary. The joy and sadness of human experience, and its confronting realities are memorably captured in this collection.”
—Barry Spurr, Australia’s first Professor of Poetry, Literary editor, Quadrant magazine
“At his best, Changming Yuan’s writing both thinks and feels poetically. Add to this his subtle and bold incorporation of wisdom (a very rare commodity in western literary circles today), and we have someone and something interesting on our hands.”
—Sebastian Barker, former Editor of the London Magazine, Royal Literary Fund Fellow at the University of Middlesex
There is lush beauty and fierce restraint in the poetry of Changming Yuan. He has a finely-honed sense of nuance, a sensibility that embraces both nature and mankind. The musicality of his words draws us in, its intimacy lingers in our hearts.
—Susan Terris, Author of Ghost of Yesterday: New & Selected Poems, Editor of Spillway & In Posse Review
“Wisdom, insight, intrigue, above all interest, as in curiosity and curiosities, abound regarding the confluence of two languages and the hermeneutic nature of language in the context of two cultures or just one species. Fascinating pieces taking full advantage of the differences and similarities of (the) Chinese and (the) English (speakers). Sinosaur is a masterpiece of exploration and experimentation that I will return to again and again for contemplation, consideration, and just plain fun.”
—Scott Owens, author of Prepositional
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