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Salem Lutheran and United Church of Christ – A Story of Faith and Peace is a narrative of the challenges, accomplishments, joys, and sorrows of two congregations who have come together for over 225 years and continue to exist as the last original union church remaining in North Carolina. A historic chronicle over 25 years in the making detailing the many decisions of this faith-based community and how the two congregations have lived and worshiped harmoniously.
The Salem Historical Sketch project has been an outstanding experience. I have used my many years of research into early German Lutheran and religious history to create a chronology of events for a unique church. Salem Church remains the only Lutheran and United Church of Christ union church in North Carolina. While most German meeting houses and churches began as union congregations, all have divided, except Salem.
The history is pretty straightforward. I began with the earliest years and proceeded to the current (2012) time. The narrative involves two congregations, requiring some amount of text coordination. I traced the history chronologically but often had to deviate because of specific issues which took more space and text. I remind readers that many surnames have changed and often were spelled differently in the past. German surnames, in particular, underwent a process of translation and anglicizing. I quoted original documents as much as possible, often including misspellings in the original text. Recognize the extensive use of quotation marks to tell the story.
I positioned footnotes at the bottom of the page and a detailed Bibliography at the back of the sketch. I discussed the church holdings and other materials in detail in the Bibliography. I hoped to create an accurate picture of the historical resources I used and their location for anyone's future reference. I endeavored to tell the story of Salem Church through the voices of its members and contemporaries.
I also transcribed membership lists and pastors' lists. They are located at the rear of the sketch in Appendices. I heard the desire to read about past members and pastors from members I spoke with. My comments and bibliographical references will be found in brackets.
A project of this magnitude requires significant planning and collaboration. Thank Jason Harpe of the Lincoln County Historical Association for proofreading, editing, and providing me with photos and copies of the original manuscripts. He and I often collaborated on the project. His assistance proved invaluable.
I wish to thank Susan Harris, who allowed me access to Salem's papers and Church books. She cheerfully answered my questions and attempted to provide all materials I requested. Other Salem members, Gail Davis Beaver and Audrey Carpenter, furnished primary source materials involving the Reformed (UCC) congregation. I was fortunate to interview Helen Propst, Harriet Propst Lineberger, Gail Davis Beaver, Susan Harris, and Audrey Carpenter. They provided me with insightful information. Their enthusiastic participation motivated me and provided the reader with information that could be more attainable. Jeanette Bergeron, archivist at the James R. Crumbley Archives at Southern Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina, responded to my emails and provided me with support, sources, and information. I would like to thank everyone, including Tina Guffey and all LCHA volunteers who supported and assisted my efforts. Finally, to anyone I may have omitted, thank you for helping with this project.
Salem Church's story is unique and similar to other churches and congregations in Piedmont, North Carolina. I hope this sketch captures the essence of the church, its communities, members, and pastors.
-Robert C. Carpenter
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