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Max the Dog teaches kids about his body and, therefore, teaches them about their own! Read to your kids the precious tale of MY BODY IS MY BUDDY to learn about the fuel (food) the body needs to run as well as the fuel (love) that the heart needs to thrive.
For Pippa. Always remember that you are magic.
And for the magic in all the kittens, puppies,
ants, elephants, and our friends.
My deepest gratitude to Robert Canipe, Patty Thompson, and Redhawk Publications for bringing Max’s story to life with such grace and kindness despite the many hurdles of the publishing world and shrinking resources. And for matching and inviting Rob Russell to collaborate with me and make Max and his family take form beyond words through the lovely images illustrated by Rob’s creative talents. Without your willingness and validation that children and parents can benefit from Max’s stories we would not be able to bring this important message out.
My love and gratitude alsoto my family who are the most encouraging, supportive pack I could ever wish to belong to. I thank you for being excited with me when I write a story, make a chair, paddleboard on a lake, plant a garden, or anything else (Except when I sing! Totally understandable). And I thank my life partner, Terry, for always having my back catching my long sentences, packing my lunch for the lake adventure, reminding me to rest, to eat, to slow down when I get going, and for loving me in action.
I thank Max for drawing my daughter’s attention at the Greenville Humane Society. I will forever cherish the image of her pulling his 26 lb dangling-legged body from the top cage into her loving embrace. How wonderful that we turned around and went back to get him. He is a joy and a love, a teacher, and so beautiful and perfect as he is.
And again, I thank you, the reader, for taking the chance that this little story might help build a healthy path for you and your precious children. May it be so.
Bringing Art to market, one project at a time
Redhawk Creative Solutions is available to assist in bringing your artistic endeavor to market. If you've won a grant, we will help you maximize your money's worth. If you've never created or sold an artistic project, we can help. Contact Patty Thompson pthompson994@cvcc.edu for details.