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Storytelling is a powerful way to educate, inspire, and entertain the young and old. This tale of a mysterious Old Woman and a cave girl named Asha will hopefully help highly sensitive children see the advantages and accept the challenges of being a sensitive human.
he story presents the idea that perhaps, at some point in human evolution, there was a mutation, a genetic change that made the drudgery of mere survival more pleasant and livable—a change that resulted in bouquets, art, music, dance, skipping and listening to the ones we love.
If you consider yourself highly sensitive, if you have a child or grandchild who may be highly sensitive or are educating a highly sensitive child, then Asha may be an inspiration.
The story presents the idea that perhaps, at some point in human evolution, there was a mutation, a genetic change that made the drudgery of mere survival more pleasant and livable—a change that resulted in bouquets, art, music, dance, skipping and listening to the ones we love.
If you consider yourself highly sensitive, if you have a child or grandchild who may be highly sensitive or are educating a highly sensitive child, then Asha may be an inspiration.
101 pages 6x9x0.25
Bringing Art to market, one project at a time
Redhawk Creative Solutions is available to assist in bringing your artistic endeavor to market. If you've won a grant, we will help you maximize your money's worth. If you've never created or sold an artistic project, we can help. Contact Patty Thompson pthompson994@cvcc.edu for details.